Wednesday, December 7, 2011

YogaDay8: My Former Record

My last consecutive yoga run went for eight days. Since my goal this time is 20, I have twelve days left. Right near Christmas, there will be twelve more days of yoga. I feel a classic holiday tune, redone with a yoga twist, coming your way!

Patrick asked me how yoga was today. My response was "really good yoga day. very anchored." He replied, with "whoa, that sounds deep." I explained that an anchored day was a day where I was centered physically and mentally. Instead of meandering attention, my thoughts stayed close, present. All the physical parts moved in sync, anchored by my connection with the ground. Balancing felt natural, as opposed to laborious.

When my brain did take a walk, it stayed on yoga topics. I wrote the schpeel I'll start my classes with if I ever get to be an instructor. This is what I came up with:

(try to imagine a soothing voice and slow pace) Welcome to noon yoga. Just a reminder to tell your friends to come Sunday for a free beginner's class. If you refer anyone to the studio make sure to have them mention your name and get $10 off in the shop. If you are interested in learning how to add meditation to your yoga practie, see me after class for information on a course coming next month.

How does that sound?

I didn't come up with that during yoga today. This is what I really came up with:

Thank you for making space to practice today. I know we have all entered this room carrying various demands and expectations. We all walk the line every day between what others expect us to be, who we expect ourselves to be, and who we  are. I invite you to use this hour to listen to you. For now, you are not an employee, a mother, a father, a boss... you are here for time as you. In your skin, in your body. I will be leading you through suggested poses, but this practice is yours. It's an opportunity to practice being your authentic self. Listen to your body to discover your edge today. That elusive place between what's right for you in this moment and what you are able to push yourself toward for growth in your practice. It's not about what's true for me, or for the person next to you, but discovering what's true for you today. Claim your authenticity. Let us begin in child's pose.

I know for some this may sound hokey, but I include it to celebrate something beautiful yoga gives me- a safe way to practice concepts that can spill over into everyday life.


  1. I want a yoga class with you Rhea.

  2. Next time I'm in town, we will hold one at your house. The wood floors are perfect!
