Sunday, October 30, 2011


Although Halloween traditions have morphed with the passing of time and the melting pot of cultures, I learned that it started as a Celtic holiday. They believed that the season of life met the season of death this time of year. To survive the lurking spirits, they disguised themselves and lit fires. Some pope tried to distract from the spooky practices and bring focus toward his religion by making a day to honor saints, called “All Hallow’s Day” on November 1st. People of Europe continued their traditions on the day before, which would be called “All Hallow’s Eve.” An influential Celtic leader with a speech impediment helped bring about the name “Halloween.”

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Lemonade, Ducks and Beer

It was serendipitous to find myself in Denver, when my almamater, the University of Oregon Ducks were playing football against the University of Colorado. It seemed like fate that I should be available to root on my team, with a great excuse to explore the nearby town of Boulder. I soon realized that the timing of the game was the only serendipitous thing about my attending this event. The day was a fine example of my ability to, as they say, “make lemonade.”

Friday, October 21, 2011

Mile High Air is Thin and Dry

I learned about open mouth sleeping early on in Denver, "The Mile High City."

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Stuff We Brought

There has been some interest in the logistics of packing for this trip. I approach this topic with my gear-loving, relational, detail-oriented and theatrical readers in mind. If you don't fit one of these categories, I hope you read it anyway.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Learning Lots!

It’s our 3rd day of travel. We set out Sunday and drove I-84 straight through to Pocatello, Idaho, spending eleven hours in the car together. The dogs did great because they were so tired from being chewed on by Scout and from digging holes in Mom and Don’s garden. Patrick and I rocked out, as we whizzed by the crunchy, rolling landscape of eastern Oregon and witnessed miles of turbines harnessing energy from the wind. I’ve learned so much along the way!

Harnessing the wind along the Columbia River.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Dear Fortunate Friend,

I just spent a week at this lovely ranch in Oakland, Oregon taking care of Mom and Don’s two dogs, four horses and countless cattle. I assure you that you will thoroughly enjoy this ranch “retreat” away from your to-do list and daily demands.

Monday, October 3, 2011

The Characters

You’ll be hearing lots of stories about the people and animals involved in this adventure, so here’s a glimpse of background information on the characters.