Funny that I wrote about ego and its role in yoga in yesterday's post.
In today's class, the instructor presented some concepts. I've tried to capture the essence of her explanations in relation to practicing yoga.
ego: (ee-goh) n. sense of self as separate from the selves of others. Ego is useful: it gets our asses out of bed and gets us to work on time, drives us. The drive to maintain a healthy self, for example, gets us to yoga class.
inflated ego: (in-flay-tid ee-goh) n. an overly developed sense of self-importance. An inflated ego may lead to attempting poses beyond the truth of our bodies. May lead us to practice for image and detach us from our authenticity. May lead us to create a self for others.
inverted ego: (in-vur-tid ee-goh) n. an under-expressed sense of self. An inverted ego may lead to poses that don't fully express our bodies' potential. The muted sense of self may inhibit personal growth and achievement.
When I made sure I held the pose as long as the person next to me I was practicing with an inflated yoga ego. When I giggled uncomfortably through class, I may have been practicing with an inverted yoga ego. Frequently we move between the two extremes, seeking a balance. Dean, the studio owner, said, "Practicing authenticity frees us from all suffering." Yoga can be a focused environment for practicing healthy ego: truth, honest expression and authenticity.
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