Sunday, December 4, 2011

YogaDay5: Get Rhythm

I have that Johnny Cash song stuck in my head because of our visit to the Mean-Eyed Cat Bar last night. And it happens to apply to today's yoga. (Get rhythm-- not a mean-eyed cat)

First, the bar. It might be the most interesting music venue/piece of Austin history/tribute to Johnny Cash/drinking establishment ever. The building is 100 years old and sits, a dwarfed, tin-sided shack, among high rises and condos in downtown Austin. It used to be a chainsaw shop. Some of the old signage is still in place. They play non stop Johnny Cash and have have famous musician signatures dotting the Man in Black mugshot wallpaper in the hallway to the bathrooms. June and Johnny images cover the walls and lyrics from Cash songs show up on benches, curbs, doors and ceiling beams. Taking in this beer-serving museum, a girl can't help but get rhythm.
This building is over 100 years old and couldn't be torn down because the roots of a 300 year old tree are part of the foundation.
They have their Christmas decorations up.
Here's the wall of signatures. The blacked out marks are nobodies who signed the wall without permission.

At noontime yoga today, I also got rhythm. The muscles awakened over the last few days were, at first, resisting this new exertion. My limbs were cumbersome, not working with me- maybe even confused. But, today, my body fell into symphonic cooperation. Each step felt connected to the earth, each extension made sense. Their seemed to be a familiar script my parts followed when holding balancing poses and head stands. I think they call it muscle memory. The flow of movement was well timed with my breath and I was able listen to the instructor, but also remain in tune with the whispers and instincts of my body. This is the time when yoga gets good. Goodbye Burning Ring of Fire. Hello, Sweet By and By.

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