Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My Name Means the Mother of All Gods

This blog is being written to set the record straight on the origins of my name. It's Greek. Rhea was Zeus' mother and actually fed Kronus (Zeus' father) stones so that he would not eat his children. I know, Greek mythology is random from a modern day perspective, but I'm sure the whole story is pretty believable if told in its entirety. Rhea, the Greek goddess whose name I inherited, pronounces it "Ray-uh." When I was in second grade I actually changed the spelling of my name to Raya, to prevent mispronunciations. After three years in public school, I was tired of being called "Ree-uh" on the first day and when we had substitute teachers. It was a short phase and not without constant reassurance from my mother that one day I would be glad I had an original name. What I really wished was that my name was Stephanie.

All through elementary school, I had a best friend named Laura Knauff (pronounced Noff). She had curly hair. Not the really tight curls that are hard to brush, but large ringlets of shiny, floppy locks. I think this is why we watched so many old Shirley Temple movies when I was at her house. We were great friends. And she was like six when she learned my name. And after all these years, and after all my moves, Laura and I have stayed in touch. I even attended her Michigan wedding in 2002, where her son hit me in the nose and knocked my glasses off. An email she recently sent me, has me wondering if there are other folks out there associating my name with the wrong thing. This is what she said:

I don't know whether or not to share this with you but I will and hopefully you will not be offended...

All my life I've struggled with how to spell that thing that happens when you get sick....  you know "the runs" or "Hershey squirts". Well you'd be surprised how many times I have to write that "d" word, particularly for the 3+ years I work with an animal rescue.  So anyway, Christopher was sick recently and I had to send a note to school and I felt that I would once and for all learn how to spell it.

(Please keep in mind that I have always thought your name was beautiful and if I had a daughter I would probably name her Rhea.)  Imagine my shock when I saw that word is spelled diarRHEA.  Your name at the end.  Perhaps I was mentally blocking that out because its such and unpleasant word and Rhea is so pretty.  But now I will never forget how to spell diarrhea.  Thank you!  

To be fair my new last name is Strunk and I've often been accidentally called Laura Stunk. And it took until High School before any classmates figured out what to do with my old last name.  I remember vividly in Science class, David turning around and saying "Do you have any relatives named Jack?"  I don't and I didn't know why he was chuckling.  Now I know.

I hope this clears up any confusion that may be lingering out there about my name. Think Greek Goddess, NOT Hershey Squirts!

Oh, and my mom was right. I do appreciate my name now, although I still give a fake with my order at the coffee shop, just to avoid the hassle.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My Mentor Retired

I learned to live and love teaching from the best mentor and veteran teacher on the planet. Since June 2011, when I missed the chance to honor her at her retirement party, questions have ping ponged in slow mo through my head: How do I share my gratitude and her talent? In a way that makes her feel honored? And so that she and the world understand what an impact she had on me?

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Year in Pictures

2011 was abundant with thriving relationships, new love, triumphs of gratitude, connection and adventure. I remain astonished by my quality of life and grateful for the healthy, loving friends and family that encompass me. In a sharing spirit, here is the last year, in pictures.